Integrated personalized cell technologies for improving health outcomes in children and adults


Jacques Galipeau

The Program for Advanced Cell Therapy (PACT) was launched in September 2016 as a partnership program between UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) and UWHealth with a vision for becoming the national leader in healthcare integrated personalized cell therapies for improving clinical outcomes in children and adults.  To meet this vision, PACT has a tripartite mission to (i) Develop and deploy first-in-human UW science, (ii) Provide UW Health patients access to promising available investigational cell therapy technologies, and (iii) Enable partnerships with industry and academic institutes to improve UW Health patient outcomes and access.

Since its inception, PACT has established hospital-based operational, regulatory and cell manufacturing quality systems compliant with the code of federal regulations (CFR) defined Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).  Proactive operational interface of PACT with UW SMPH clinical faculty has led to creation of unique and innovative clinical trials leverage UWHealth service line excellence and UW pre-clinical research enterprise within Madison’ burgeoning biopharmaceutical ecosystem.

Here exists the unique opportunity to innovate with our goal of defining novel, margin friendly and sustainable regulatory and commercial development schemes that leverage PACT’ decentralized place-of-care vein-to-vein (POCV2V) GMP and service line competencies especially for autologous or directed allogeneic cell products.  We are poised to go to the next step of ensuring accessible and sustainable deployment of cell cures both scaled up within industrial facilities complemented by scaled out distributive model by UWHealth enabled by PACT.


Jacques Galipeau, MD FRCP(C)

Don and Marilyn Anderson Professor in Oncology
Director, UW Program for Advanced Cell Therapy
Associate Dean for Therapeutics Development
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health